Guide to Crowdfunding Clothing with Kickstarter in 2023

Nov 15,2023
Industry News
But in the process of crowdfunding clothing, have you also encountered manufacturing and production issues, fulfillment and shipping delays?

Crowdfunding a clothing project on Kickstarter can be an exciting and effective way to bring your creative ideas to life.

But in the process of crowdfunding clothing, have you also encountered manufacturing and production issues, fulfillment and shipping delays? What should you do to solve these potential challenges and key factors?

What problems will you encounter during clothing crowdfunding?

Manufacturing delays, quality issues, or unexpected production issues may arise. You can address this by working closely with the manufacturer, conducting thorough quality inspections, and developing contingency plans for potential delays.

Shipping delays, shipping cost calculation errors, and unexpected customs issues may affect delivery times. To solve this problem, you can use a professional third-party fulfillment service provider to accurately research and plan shipping costs. Clearly communicate estimated delivery dates and potential delays.

When it comes to marketing and awareness, you can use social media, influencers and email lists to build awareness. Clearly communicate the unique selling point of your clothing line.

Ensuring that the quality of the apparel meets or exceeds backers' expectations can be an important issue. An effective mitigation measure is to work closely with manufacturers to maintain quality standards. Consider conducting sample testing prior to full production. Resolve any quality issues transparently and promptly.

Avoiding unforeseen expenses during production or fulfillment can strain your budget. You can build a buffer to cover unexpected costs. If a campaign exceeds its goals, there should be transparency into how additional funds are used.

Finally, you should be honest and transparent about your abilities. Clearly communicate potential risks and challenges in the event. Underpromise and overdeliver. Provide your supporters with regular progress reports, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive updates. Encourage communication through comments and messages. Continue to update your supporters on the progress of your clothing line after the event. Share progress after the event, such as new designs or collaborations. Respond promptly to inquiries.

The above are some problems that may be encountered in the clothing crowdfunding process. Reasonable avoidance in advance can effectively increase the possibility of success in clothing crowdfunding activities.

Successful crowdfunding requires careful planning, effective communication, and a genuine connection with your audience. Keep your backers involved in your journey, and you'll not only fund your clothing line but also build a community around your brand.

Pain points of clothing crowdfunding and corresponding solutions

1. Unforeseen production delays or transportation logistics

Solution: Meeting backer expectations for timely delivery can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex manufacturing processes, unforeseen production delays, or shipping logistics. You need to communicate transparently to keep supporters informed of possible delays during the event and in post-event updates. Clearly communicate estimated delivery dates, taking into account production time, quality inspections, and potential shipping challenges. At the same time, we work with reliable partners to ensure a smooth and timely process.

2. Clothing compression packaging problem

Solution: Delivering garments in compact and eco-friendly packaging without compromising product quality can be a logistical challenge. Prioritize sustainable packaging and use eco-friendly packaging that is both compact and eco-friendly. Maintain garment integrity while minimizing packaging size. Thorough testing is performed to ensure that compression packaging does not damage clothing and that items return to their intended shape after unpacking.

3. Production delays

Solution: Delays in the manufacturing process can impact the overall timeline, causing frustration for backers. Consider potential delays when setting up activity timelines. Add extra time for unforeseen circumstances. Transparency helps build trust and understanding while working with multiple suppliers of critical components to reduce risks associated with single points of failure.

4. Quality control issues

Solution: Conduct thorough sampling and prototyping prior to volume production to identify and resolve potential quality issues. Strict quality control processes are implemented during production to detect any defects or discrepancies early. And choose manufacturers with a proven track record of producing high-quality clothing.

5. Manage and meet the diverse expectations of supporters

Solution: Provide comprehensive sizing guides and product descriptions to help backers make informed choices. Clearly outline what backers can expect, including potential design changes, color options and any custom features. Use a dedicated customer service team to resolve questions promptly and professionally.

6. Logistics challenges of international shipping

Solution: Shipping clothing internationally involves customs, different shipping regulations, and potential delays. It is possible to work with an experienced logistics provider who specializes in international shipping. Clearly communicate potential delays or additional customs fees that international backers may face. Also consider using strategically located fulfillment centers to reduce shipping time and costs.

Crowdfunding Clothing

By addressing these pain points through strategic planning, transparent communication, and working with reliable partners, apparel crowdfunding campaigns can enhance the overall experience for backers and increase the likelihood of a successful and satisfying campaign.

Top 10 Popular Crowdfunding Websites in 2023


A well-known crowdfunding platform for creative projects, including technology, design, art, and more.


Similar to Kickstarter, Indiegogo supports a wide range of projects, including tech innovations, creative endeavors, and charitable causes.


Primarily used for personal fundraising, GoFundMe supports a variety of causes, including medical expenses, education, and emergencies.


Designed for ongoing support of content creators, Patreon allows creators to receive recurring payments from their fans or patrons.


A platform focused on equity crowdfunding, allowing individuals to invest in startups and small businesses in exchange for equity.


Similar to Crowdcube, Seedrs is an equity crowdfunding platform that enables individuals to invest in startups and businesses.


A crowdfunding platform dedicated to video games, Fig allows backers to support and invest in the development of new games.


A crowdfunding platform that supports various creative projects, including music, art, science, and technology.


A platform that caters to various types of projects, including business startups, community initiatives, and creative endeavors.


A European crowdfunding platform that supports various projects, including creative and innovative ideas.

Each platform thoroughly, considering their fees, funding models, and terms before choosing the one that best fits your project or fundraising needs. Additionally, platforms' popularity can change, so it's a good idea to check for the latest information and reviews.

How the crowdfunding model works?

The crowdfunding model typically involves raising funds from a large number of people through an online platform. Although the specifics may vary depending on the type of crowdfunding, the process generally follows an established structure. Here’s a general overview of how the crowdfunding model works:

Project creation

Plan your crowdfunding campaign based on the creator's ideas, outlining the project's details, goals, budget, and any rewards or incentives for backers.

Choice of Crowdfunding Platform

Choose a crowdfunding platform that suits the nature of your project. Platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo or GoFundMe cater to different types of campaigns.

Set realistic goals

Calculate the amount of capital required to successfully fund the project, taking into account production, marketing and other related costs, and set financing goals. Goals should be realistic and cover necessary expenses.

Plan attractive events

Include a detailed description of the project, the team behind it, details of how the funds will be used, and any rewards offered to backers. Visuals such as images, videos, and graphics can be used to capture your audience's attention and communicate your project.

Initiate activities

When a crowdfunding campaign is launched on a crowdfunding platform, potential backers can view the campaign page, learn about the project, and decide whether to donate. At the same time, early supporter rewards can be set to create initial momentum.

Social media and promotion

Actively promote the event through a variety of channels, including social media, email newsletters, and possible partnerships with influencers. At the same time, you can also interact with potential supporters and the community to increase your visibility.

Supporters pledge

In reward-based crowdfunding, backers typically choose a pledge level based on the amount they want to contribute and the associated rewards.

Showcase the progress of your campaign on the platform, showing how much money has been raised and how close the project is to achieving its funding goal.

Activity Completed (All or Nothing vs. Keep All)

The campaign lasts for a specified period of time (usually 30 days) and is considered successful if the funding goal is reached within that time. Depending on the platform, funds can be allocated only when the campaign reaches its funding goal (all-or-nothing model) or regardless of whether the goal is reached (reserved - all models).

Post-event fulfillment and communication

Creators are responsible for fulfilling promises made during the campaign, such as providing products, services or other rewards to backers. Ongoing communication with supporters is critical, providing updates on project progress, addressing any challenges, and expressing gratitude.

activity ends

Funds raised, minus any platform fees, will be transferred to the creator to be used in the development or implementation of the project. The crowdfunding campaign officially ends and the project moves into the next phase of development or production.

The success of a crowdfunding campaign often depends on effective communication, transparency, and the ability to build a community around the project. Creators need to actively manage their campaigns and maintain positive relationships with supporters

Benefits of crowdfunding for startups

Diversified funding sources

Crowdfunding allows startups to obtain funding from a wide range of supporters, including friends, family, customers, and even investors interested in supporting innovative projects.

A successful crowdfunding campaign can serve as a form of market validation. If a startup's idea generates interest and financial support from backers, it indicates there is demand for the product or service.

Crowdfunding involves reaching out to potential customers early in the development process. Backers become part of the community, providing valuable feedback and spreading awareness about the startup.

Running a crowdfunding campaign can generate widespread media attention and help increase awareness of the startup and its products or services. This exposure may benefit future marketing efforts.

Reduce reliance on traditional investors

Startups can rely less on traditional investors, such as venture capitalists or angel investors. Crowdfunding allows them to retain more control over the business and avoid giving up equity.

Crowdfunding provides the opportunity to test the market before fully launching a product. It allows startups to gauge interest and make adjustments based on feedback from early backers.

Crowdfunding platforms offer different financing models such as reward crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding or donation crowdfunding. Startups can choose the model that best suits their goals and the nature of the project.

Cost-effective fundraising

Crowdfunding is a cost-effective way to raise funds compared to traditional fundraising methods. It eliminates the need for extensive travel, pitch presentations, and other expenses associated with seeking investment.

In rewards-based crowdfunding, startups can pre-sell their products to backers. This provides an early revenue stream that is critical to covering initial production and operating costs.

Crowdfunding platforms are generally more inclusive, allowing small startups and entrepreneurs with limited resources to obtain funding and compete in the market.

Startups can receive real-time feedback from supporters during the event. This iterative development process allows them to improve their product or service based on user input.

Brand Building

Crowdfunding campaigns often ask creators to tell a compelling story about their startup. Storytelling can aid in brand building and help connect with potential customers.

About the Author: Limi

About the Author: Limi

Limi is a content marketing expert at ChinaDivision, helping businesses and e-commerce sellers navigate the complexities of international shipping by providing actionable tips and comprehensive guides on logistics, shipping, and cargo transportation.