How Crowdfunding Tabletop Board Games?

Oct 08,2023
Industry News
Discover how Chinadivision streamlined solutions can revolutionize your tabletop games crowdfunding campaign, ensuring a hassle-free and efficient experience for you

Crowdfunding tabletop board games has become a popular method for independent game designers and small game companies to bring their projects to life. 

Crowdfunding projects can cover a wide range of categories, including creative endeavors, technological innovations, charitable causes, and, relevant to tabletop games, the development and production of board games or tabletop role-playing games.

The general steps to successfully crowdfund a tabletop board game

Game Design and Prototyping

Start by creating a well-designed and playtested game. Ensure that the game is fun, balanced, and has a unique selling point.

Develop a prototype of the game that you can use for playtesting and showcasing to potential backers.

Build a Community

Establish an online presence through social media, a dedicated website, or a blog. Share your progress, insights, and engage with the gaming community.

Attend gaming events, conventions, and local meetups to connect with potential backers.

Market Research

Research and identify the appropriate crowdfunding platform for your project. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are popular choices for tabletop games.

Study successful and unsuccessful crowdfunding campaigns for tabletop games to understand what works and what doesn't.

Create a Compelling Campaign

Develop a professional and engaging campaign page on the chosen crowdfunding platform. Include high-quality images, gameplay videos, and a detailed description of the game.

Clearly outline the funding goal, the purpose of funds, and any stretch goals you may have.

Pricing and Rewards

Determine a reasonable funding goal based on your production costs, manufacturing, shipping, and other expenses.

Offer attractive and diverse rewards for backers at different pledge levels. This may include exclusive game content, limited editions, or personalized items.

Marketing and Promotion

Start marketing your campaign well before the launch. Build anticipation and excitement.

Utilize social media, gaming forums, and email newsletters to reach potential backers.

Collaborate with influencers and reviewers to get coverage for your game.


Choose the right time to launch your campaign. Consider factors like gaming events, holidays, or other relevant occasions.

Monitor and respond to comments and messages on your crowdfunding page actively.

Post-Campaign Engagement

After successfully funding, continue to engage with your backers. Provide regular updates on the progress of the game's development.

Address any concerns or questions from backers promptly.

Manufacturing and Fulfillment

Once funded, work with reliable manufacturers to produce the game.

Plan and execute a solid logistics strategy for shipping and fulfillment.

Deliver and Support

 Ship the rewards to backers on time. Communicate any delays transparently.

 Provide excellent customer support to address any issues or concerns that may arise after the game is delivered.

Communication, and community engagement are key factors in a successful crowdfunding campaign. Always be clear about your plans, and build a supportive community around your project.

How to run a successful crowdfunding tabletop games campaign?

To run a successful crowdfunding campaign for your tabletop game, start by thoroughly preparing your game, building a community through online platforms and events, and selecting a suitable crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter. Set realistic funding goals, create an appealing campaign page with high-quality visuals and engaging content, and establish a clear timeline for production and delivery. Price your pledges appropriately, offer enticing rewards, and market your campaign well in advance through social media, forums, and collaborations with influencers. Actively engage with your community during the campaign, be transparent about your plans, and provide regular updates. Develop compelling stretch goals and maintain communication with backers even after the campaign concludes. Efficiently handle post-campaign activities, including surveys and fulfillment, to ensure a positive experience for backers.

How to distribute board games to users after crowdfunding?

Successfully distributing board games to backers after a crowdfunding campaign involves a strategic approach to ensure a positive experience for supporters. Once your board game has been manufactured, you need to decide whether to handle fulfillment in-house or through a fulfillment center, each with its own considerations. Initiating post-campaign surveys is crucial for collecting shipping addresses and necessary information from backers. Effective communication about production timelines and any potential delays is essential to maintain trust with your backers.

crowdfunding tabletop games

Choosing a reliable and cost-effective shipping method is a critical aspect of the distribution process. If shipping internationally, be aware of customs regulations and duties, and transparently communicate potential additional costs to backers. Pay careful attention to packaging to ensure the secure transit of the game without damage. Regularly update backers on the progress of manufacturing, packing, and shipping, including providing tracking information when available.

Establishing a robust customer support system is essential for addressing any issues or questions that may arise during the distribution process. If applicable, coordinate with retail partners or distributors who may have supported your campaign. Post-campaign communication is key; once all games have been shipped, provide a final update to backers, encouraging them to share their experiences and feedback. Finally, use the insights gained from the distribution process to learn and improve for future crowdfunding campaigns. Throughout the fulfillment phase, maintaining transparency, responsiveness, and attention to detail will contribute to the overall success of the campaign.

Things to consider when handling crowdfunding tabletop board games through a fulfillment center

  1. Costs and Fees

Understand the pricing structure of the fulfillment center, including pick and pack fees, storage costs, and any additional charges. Factor these into your overall budget to ensure financial feasibility.

  1. Location and Reach

Choose a fulfillment center strategically located to efficiently reach your target audience. This can help reduce shipping costs and delivery times, especially for international backers.

  1. Shipping Options

Confirm that the fulfillment center provides a variety of shipping options, including standard and expedited services. This flexibility caters to different backer preferences and budget constraints.

  1. Customs and Duties

Ensure the fulfillment center has experience with international shipping and is adept at handling customs and duties. This minimizes potential complications for backers receiving packages in different countries.

  1. Communication and Transparency

Establish clear communication channels with the fulfillment center. Transparency about timelines, shipping updates, and any issues that may arise is crucial for maintaining trust with backers.

  1. Integration with Crowdfunding Platform

Verify that the fulfillment center can seamlessly integrate with your chosen crowdfunding platform. This integration streamlines the process of collecting backer information and fulfilling orders accurately. At ChinaDivision, we offer seamless integration with a variety of e-commerce platforms, empowering you to effortlessly synchronize order information at a swift pace. 

  1. Quality Control

Discuss quality control measures with the fulfillment center to ensure that the board games are packed correctly and meet your standards. This minimizes the risk of shipping errors or damaged products.

  1. Returns and Customer Service

Clarify the fulfillment center's policies regarding returns and how they handle customer service inquiries. A reliable process for addressing issues with orders is crucial for maintaining a positive relationship with backers.

  1. Storage Capacity

Ensure that the fulfillment center has adequate storage capacity for your board games. This is particularly important if your campaign involves multiple SKUs or if you plan to offer add-on items.

  1. Scalability

 Assess the fulfillment center's scalability to accommodate fluctuations in order volume. This is essential for handling the fulfillment of a successful campaign that surpasses initial expectations.

  1. Insurance

 Inquire about insurance options for shipped items. Having insurance coverage helps protect both you and your backers in the event of lost or damaged shipments.

  1. Track Record and Reviews

 Research the fulfillment center's track record and read reviews from other businesses that have used their services. A reputable fulfillment center with positive reviews is more likely to provide a smooth experience for your campaign.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose a fulfillment center that aligns with your campaign's needs, ensuring efficient and reliable delivery of tabletop board games to your backers.

What are the popular games on tabletop crowdfunding?

Several tabletop games had gained popularity through crowdfunding campaigns. However, the popularity of games can change over time, and new games are constantly being introduced. 

10 Tabletop games that were well-received on crowdfunding 2023:

  1. Gloomhaven:

A cooperative, campaign-driven fantasy board game that gained massive success on Kickstarter.

  1. Exploding Kittens:

A card game that became one of the most backed projects on Kickstarter, known for its humor and quick gameplay.

  1. Kingdom Death: Monster:

A cooperative board game with miniatures, known for its intricate design, challenging gameplay, and dark theme.

  1. Scythe:

A board game combining elements of 4X strategy games and resource management, which successfully funded on Kickstarter.

  1. Zombicide Series:

Multiple editions of this cooperative zombie-themed board game series have been successfully crowdfunded.

  1. Root:

A strategy board game with asymmetric factions and unique gameplay mechanics that gained popularity through crowdfunding.

  1. Catan: Starfarers:

An expansion of the classic Settlers of Catan, funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign.

  1. Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon:

A narrative-driven, dark fantasy board game that became one of the most successful board game Kickstarters.

  1. Bloodborne: The Board Game:

Based on the popular video game, this cooperative board game successfully funded on Kickstarter.

  1. The 7th Continent:

An exploration and survival game that raised significant funding on Kickstarter for its unique storytelling and gameplay.

About the Author: Limi

About the Author: Limi

Limi is a content marketing expert at ChinaDivision, helping businesses and e-commerce sellers navigate the complexities of international shipping by providing actionable tips and comprehensive guides on logistics, shipping, and cargo transportation.