WordPress Fulfillment Integration
Easy and Free WordPress Fulfillment Integration guideline
1.The necessary configuration
a)Website system is WordPress;
b)PHP supports CURL extension.
Get plug-in code (https://www.chinadivision.com/upload/plugins/chinadivision-woocommerce.zip)
2.The installation steps
a)Add plugin, please follow the steps in the graph below, only seven steps. If
cost about one minute :
Now, you can see Chinadivision plug-in button area:
Congratulations, you have successfully installed
plugin! Please continue to look at the Instruction below.
a)Setting apikey
First, Login Chinadivision please, goto the User Center then copy the api key
setting page:
Second, back to your site, fill in the apikey:
b)Create Order
c)Create SKU
8.After the "Create SKU" or "Create Order" steps, you can click the "Go to
Chinadivision" button to verify SKU and order information in the ChinaDivision
Professional Chinese Product Sourcing Agent Team
With the procurement capabilities of Chinadivision, you will have a professional team of experts who purchase products from China, building a good communication bridge for you. You will not need to come to China to have a detailed understanding of the production and quality issues of Chinese products, assist in judging and verifying the reliability of suppliers, find the most favorable prices in low-cost countries, solve cross-border procurement problems, save costs, and expand your business into new fields.
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